From 1987-1990, MARLEX was the exclusive Licensor of this Humanitarian Organisation (MSF) and launched a licensing program with a complete line of toys and action dolls, and a family board-game.

In parallel to the toy program, the M.S.F. board-game "URGENCE" created by Christiane Adams was developed into a live-action adventure for children sponsored by the French department store chain AUCHAN, played all over France and with a grand final presented at the Paris Children's Fair. The winners of the Paris final were invited to participate in a real MSF mission and sent to Madagascar as part of an MSF Team.

Part of the benefits of the Licensing program as well as sums of money from the sponsors (Kellogg's Cereals) were donated to support selected MSF actions, such as the inoculation of children in third world countries against disease, etc...
Currently, MSF has more than 1000 volunteers serving in over 40 countries, with a yearly budget of over 100 millions Euros.