Bill spent thirty-five years refining his vision as a photographer ­ hiking through forests and deserts; lugging his camera gear through rain, mud and snow; seeking out the special light that reveals hidden beauty. Through intimate landscapes and close-up details, his photographs highlight and celebrate the wonders of nature.

Although Bill is a full time nature photographer, his name is also well known in the field of software design. Years ago, as a member of the original Macintosh team at Apple Computer with Steve Jobs, he designed much of the initial Macintosh user interface, and wrote the original QuickDraw, Mac-Paint and HyperCard software. After years of designing software tools to empower other creative people, Bill is now being empowered in his own art by the accuracy and fine control made possible with the digital printing process.

By developing his skills as a fine art printmaker, Bill has been able to create expressive and archival photographs that faithfully share his experiences. As a pioneer of new color management and digital printing technologies, he shares his expertise with many fellow nature photographers.